Time-sheet & Work-log Management 

Any company or organization must accurately account for the time its employees spend on tasks and projects. Time entry involves employees entering the time they start and end work on a task or project on a time-sheet. This data is then used in client billing as well as payroll processing.

A project can meet its deadlines, maintain its budget, and achieve success when it uses time effectively. To do this, one need to be able to keep accurate records. This makes time-sheets essential to any successful business processes.

To make time-sheets and work-log process accurate & effective every employee must enter their time sheet details and if in any case they are fail to do so they will be not eligible for salary.

Company will not process for salary after 10th date of any month, so if time sheets were added before that then only salary is going to credited in the current month or else it will be done in next month.