Our Philosophy

Let's live it!

- Focus on the customer, their existence in the ecosystem lets all of us survive. Let's Survive with Joy.

- Make the customer happy, and at the same time; don’t lose money.

- Don’t be cheap. This means we don’t cut corners, or deploy garbage.

- Be scrupulously honest. Integrity in all matters.

- Be kind. Don’t be an unwanted communicator.

- Self-Realization is daily necessary, before others around you kick you away. Be self motivated.

- No Whining—This is an adventure.

- Problem solving - Real details well. Study the problem, and make sure that you understand it.

- For simpler problems, come up with a few courses of action, figure out which one is best, and let’s go with it. Talk About Solutions.

- No internal politics—Make all other parts of the organization successful.

- Clear lanes and responsibilities, defined ahead of time. No internal competitions. Everybody gets behind whoever has the lead.

- Tenaciousness- We don’t give up on our assignments. We may bend, but we don’t break.

- No bitterness or desperation- We move forward, and learn constantly.

Why this approach?

• Because when we wake up in the morning, we want to say “GOD yeah, I get to do something cool today”.

• Because we want to build the nervous system for businesses, especially businesses that haven’t been able to take advantage of technology before.

• Because we think there are other adventurous souls out there that would be fun to work with.

• Because we think that there are new ways of thinking about data, and how it should be used, viewed, and shared (including the right not to share it at all).

• Freedom!