Use of Pantry Utilities

An office Pantry can be one of the biggest problems where you work when people don't observe basic etiquette guidelines. If you're fortunate enough to work for a company that provides a Pantry for your convenience, you need to be respectful of everyone else who uses it. This is necessary to maintain good professional relationships. A lack of respect for others who share your office Pantry can carry over to create conflict among employees on the job.

Basic Office Pantry Guidelines,

  1. Keep it clean. Remember that you are one of many, and if everyone left a little mess, you'd wind up with something you'd never want anyone to face. Take an extra step or two and put your trash in the garbage can, wipe up any spills, and remove whatever you brought in that day.

  1. Respect refrigerator, microwave oven & vending machine. When you have a large group of coworkers using the same Pantry utilities, usage becomes valuable. Only use whatever & whenever required.

  1. Only eat and drink what is yours. No matter how tempting another employee's soda appears, it doesn't belong to you, so don't take it. Unless the person offers you some, pretend it isn't there. If you crave it, add the item to your shopping list and get your own.

  1. Remove your food before it spoils. Ideally you should only use the refrigerator for what you plan to eat that day. However, there may be times when you'll need to keep your lunch or drink there for a few days. This does not make it okay to leave it there indefinitely. Take it out before it starts to stink up the place or grows green things


  1. Leave appliances as you found them…or better than you found them. When you use an office appliance such as a microwave or vending machine, check it afterward and make sure you didn't leave crumbs or splatters. Your coworkers will be annoyed if they have to clean up your mess before they use the appliances.

  1. Let someone know when the kitchen staples and supplies run low. If you see that the napkin dispenser is almost empty,contact someone to replenish it. The same goes for straws, paper plates, plastic flatware, sugar, coffee creamer, and anything else that is consumable.

  1. Be respectful of strong odors. No one wants her yogurt to taste like last night's food. Avoid bringing food with smells that can leach and linger.

  1. Have good table manners. Even when you're eating lunch in the break room with coworkers, you should still treat it as a business lunch.

  1. Avoid a floor hazard. If you spill something, clean it up. You don't want to be responsible for someone slipping and falling. Don't forget to test it after you wipe it clean. If there is any sticky or slimy residue, clean it again.

  1. Clean as you see the need. When you see something out of place in the kitchen or the trashcan overflowing, do something about it. You can call  a cleaning crew or maintenance staff, and request someone to take out the trash.