
        The Company places great emphasis on good discipline at the workplace. It pains us to take disciplinary actions and it’s only used as our last option. However where errant staff is concern, they may be subjected to disciplinary procedure (including dismissal). Disciplinary procedure, ranges from Counselling, Warnings (verbal or and written) to more severe actions such as Board of Inquiry, Termination or Dismissal. Employees who commit criminal acts shall be subjected to immediate termination and/or possible civil or criminal prosecution. Obstructing or undermining investigations, withholding or destroying information, including failing to report a violation, or providing misleading information are violations of this Code.

Disciplinary procedure could be taken against an employee for the following misconducts:

a. Examples of misconducts that may result in immediate dismissal following an inquiry:-

(1) Fraud, Criminal Breach of Trust.

(2) Unauthorized use of Company equipment for personal reasons.

(3) Theft, misappropriation or unauthorized removal of Company’s property or of property belonging to others.

(4) Sabotage including deliberately misusing, damaging, destroying or losing Company’s property or property of others.

(5) Falsifying any record or declaring false information in application for employment.

(6) Reporting to work drunk or when working ability is impaired by the use of intoxicants or narcotics; taking or in possession of intoxicants or narcotics at the Company’s premises.

(7) Conduct that is deemed to be immoral or indecent and/or unlawful, for e.g. outraging modesty of another employee, using obscene language, signs or gestures in a mixed group.

(8) A conviction for any crime in a court of law in India or any other country.

(9) Disclosing to unauthorized person of any confidential information/Company secrets.

(10) Committing or attempting to commit deception, fraud or a fraudulent act involving the Company and/or the Company’s assets/property and/or to the Company’s clients/suppliers database or information.

(11) Accepting gifts and/or tips from customers/ suppliers without declaring them to the Company. This is equivalent to accepting bribes and shall be dealt with severely by the Company.

(12) Lending to/borrowing money from colleagues with interest and soliciting business under any Multi-Level Marketing or similar schemes.

(13) Others that contravenes to the prejudice of good conduct.

b. Examples of misconducts which may warrant a warning and/or other disciplinary actions:

(1) Insubordination.

(2) Sleeping during working hours (Not sick or unwell).

(3) Misbehavior, for e.g. provoking, instigating or participating in any kind of violence or fight.

(4) Absence from work without official leave or tardiness.

(5) Making false or malicious statements/allegation against any fellow employee or the Company.

(6) Intimidating, threatening or harassing other employees at work.

(7) Soliciting or collecting contributions for any purpose whatsoever at any time at the workplace, unless authorized by the Human Resources Department.

(8) Distributing written or printed matter of any description within the Company’s premises without approval from management.

(9) Intentionally withholding material information from Immediate Supervisor in relation to work.

(10) Smoking within the office premises.

(11) Occupying oneself with their mobile phones by uniformed staff while on duty.

(12) Hogging the phone for social communications in a non-emergency situation during office hours giving a poor image to customers and colleagues.

(13) Reading storybooks, magazines, newspapers and other non-company related literature is not acceptable.

(14) Playing/listening to music Loudly other than what is being broadcast  in workplace, as this does not show a good image. (Exception is the usage limited to personal)

(15) Consuming food within the work premises which disturbs the colleagues around and spread odors.

(16) Abuse/misuse of benefits provided for the employee’s sole use such as medical benefits.

(17) Taking medical leave for purposes other than medical reason.

(18) Gambling within the company’s premises.

(19) Others that affects image of the company.

If Employees are going Client side whether it's in same City or other City they need to take approval from Management.