Attendance and Punctuality

Reliable, consistent attendance is a requirement and essential function of all staff positions. Employees are expected to be punctual and dependable in order to meet the needs of their respective department(s). When employees are absent or tardy, work and service are interrupted and an additional burden is placed on colleagues. Attendance and reliability are important factors in evaluating individual performance and continued employment.

If your absence can be anticipated, consult your immediate supervisor and obtain authorization to be absent for a specific period in advance. If you are unexpectedly delayed or unable to come to work for any reason, you must personally contact your appropriate supervisor immediately allowing the supervisor to adjust the department’s work assignments before the start of the workday. Each department has its own procedures and policies that are specific to the nature of its work – be sure you, as an employee, understand your department’s attendance guidelines, expectations, and procedures for calling in.

You should be the one to call in; your supervisor will need to speak directly with you to make alternate arrangements for the work you would have done that day. Relatives or friends should not call on your behalf unless you are medically unable to do so yourself. You must speak directly with your supervisor rather than a co-worker, unless that individual is officially authorized by your department to accept call in notices. As a general rule, we recommend that you do not leave your message on voice mail.